Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun day with Eric

Eric came to visit this weekend and we had fun acting like tourists.  Met Ooma and Oompa at the Chesterfield hotel for High Tea this afternoon, so we're not hungry for supper.  A good beach day!  Here are some sights from the day.


  1. It's good to see some pictures of Eric. Is he still writing?

  2. Well, he got an IPad for Xmas and I don't see any great stories on it, but the writer is still in him, I'm sure.

  3. Gorgeous place you live in! I sometimes think of getting a stroller like that for my kittehs. Is that a sign of the Apocalypse?

  4. Not sure. But I bet H&B would love an outing in the springtime. I hope to get back north for the spring!
