Sunday, April 29, 2012


The budding stage is mostly over, and most everything has moved into active unfurling and leafing!  Here are some photos from a picnic hike we took this morning at Moraine Lake State Park.  A beautiful, sunny day.  Cool in the morning, but warming up by noon. 

 The dogwood seems to be on its way out, so I wanted to catch a photo of the flowers while they are here.


  1. I love your photos of life springing forth. We are more or less at the same stage here. I mourn the loss of the female pear tree in our backyard. It used to be covered in white flowers and then heavy with fruit in summer.

  2. it's a beautiful thing to behold this 2nd year in a row, Barbara. I think it reassures me at some deep level that life does not end, but is continually reborn.

  3. That luscious pink bud spray ... do you know what it is? redbud? I saw redbud in Missouri when I was in grad school, but I don't think it grows around here.

  4. I don't know what it is, Barbara. John thought it was pink dogwood (not yet opened), but I don't think so. The dogwood bloom isn't clustered like that.
