Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big Butler Fair - Part 1

Hot day today, so we headed over to the Big Butler County Fair.  This was John's 3rd year in a row to attend the fair, my first.  We got there early, just before noon, so that it wasn't crowded and still just a bit of a breeze.  In the shade it was quite pleasant. 
 All the usual fair food.  Luckily, we were able to avoid the funnel cakes ...
 A Sea Lion show.  It didn't start until later in the afternoon, so we just looked at the sea lion and seal.  I felt kind of sorry for the them, having to swim back and forth, back and forth.  But I guess that's what I do in the pool.
 Some camels down at the end of the road.  You could buy a ride on them later.  Somehow, I don't think they looked so happy either.  John said that one was growling at us.


  1. Yeah. I know that camel rides are quite popular, even in the African and Asian deserts. But I can't quite get comfortable with the idea.
