Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The end of May ...

This morning when I turned my computer on, things were not good.  This, after 2 years of being a perfect computer!  The various error messages indicated that the computer clock was set to prior to 2008, and that was making everything unstable.  I suspected that the computer's clock battery was gone.  After manually re-setting the clock, the computer was still very glitch-y so I took it into the local Apple shop.  The geek ran it through some hardware tests and concluded that the only problem was a bad tracker pad.  $200 and a 3 to 4 day turnaround.  Since I don't have 3 or 4 days, I bought a mouse, and so far, the computer seems happy again.  I hate using a mouse, though.  So antiquated.

So Jubilee and I made once last jaunt through Knob Hill.  I wanted to check on the Mayapples, and sure enough, there under the leaves - where the bud was -  is a little apple of sorts ...
It is very hot.  Florida hot.  In the 90s hot.  Yesterday John showed me a local "Florida" place, complete with palm trees and sand ...

 The Tiki Bar didn't open until 5pm.  Probably too hot.  But the pool was plenty crowded.
Meanwhile, Jubilee and I are getting ready to roll ... first thing tomorrow morning if all goes well.