Sunday, May 8, 2011

uneventful weekend of this and that

It was an uneventful weekend, with a little of this and that ...
 Had gyros at the "Strip" marketplace on a rainy Saturday morning in Pittsburgh.  We were looking for a small wok at the Japanese grocery store but didn't find one.
 I think I was taking a picture of the NRA sign "Acres of Guns and Gear".
 White dogwood is especially pretty amidst the trees that are getting greener and more full with leaves.  This is a fishing lake just outside of Zelienople, known to the locals as just "Zelie".  It is a few miles north of Cranberry.
 Buttermilk Falls over in Beaver County - a nice little walk.  John says it would make a nice summertime swimming hole.  A railroad track runs over the top of the Falls and it is right by the PA Turnpike.  Encouraging to me that there are still these little hidden pockets of loveliness where you least expect to find them.
 St. Nicholas Church (Beaver PA), patterned after a church in the Caspian area of central Europe.  Interesting looking building, but the doors were locked and not worth the round about ride we had to make to find it.


  1. There is dogwood in bloom here, too. The young leaves are like glorious on the maples along my street. Love that church. So elegant.

  2. I know what you mean about the glory, Barbara. The buds, blooms and leaves really do sing such a glorious praise, you can't help but join them.
