Thursday, March 14, 2013

more snow, and then it's gone

Everyday now, it snows some.  I look out the window and it looks like a blizzard.  Then a couple of hours later, the snow is gone.  Sometimes the sun comes out (but not often).  I don't know how it melts so quickly when it feels so cold outside.  I know it is not above freezing.  It's hard to believe it's March!

 Big snow flakes in this photo that don't show up.
 We found a new swamp cabbage (?) growing by the other canal.  The only other one that we've seen, though, and we've been looking.  I'm not sure why it is red, though, which makes me think that maybe it isn't the real swamp cabbage.
 Something very glorious about our walk this morning.  Cold.  Jubilee and I both stopped at this point to look around and wonder at the miracle of it all and our place right in the middle of it.


  1. March is a cruel month, teasing us about Spring and reminding us that winter is not quite over yet. And windy! We are expecting 10-15 cm (4-6 in) next Tuesday. It should not last. I've been through a few very blustery Easters.

  2. There is no hurrying it up, that is for sure!
