Monday, March 25, 2013

yet one more snow

We keep saying that that's the last of the snow, and then we get more.  What is it about Mondays?  Last Monday was the ice day and this morning we woke up to about 6 inches of snow on the ground!
 Jubilee took one look out and turned around to go back to the cave.
 Here comes the sidewalk plow.
At least the spring flowers are blooming inside!
I think we will stay home today.


  1. That snowstorm skirted us. We got sun and 5 C temps (43 F). Hope it is all melted by Easter. Don't you love those sidewalk plows? The city cleared the snow off the other side of my street today.

    Took my boyz to the vet for the annual check up. Had no trouble getting around and even finding a convenient parking spot. They passed, by the way. Bogey has a touch of gingivitis, though.

  2. It sounds like lovely weather in Montreal! Still dark dreary and slushy over here. Heard on the radio that the sun will come out on Friday and be in the 40s here. Yeah! Good health news for the boyz. Jubilee fare so well up here in the cooler weather and has adjusted well to being an apartment dog.
