Monday, May 28, 2012

The Freddy Hagan Show

I arrived in Bardstown about an hour ahead of my sister, FA, who was driving in from Asheville NC.  We were sharing a motel room.  I noticed through the window of the motel a greenhouse/landscaping place next door, so while I waited for FA to arrive I decided to walk over and have a look around.  But what caught my eye was this little trailer, advertizing the local Bardstown radio station.

Closer inspection ...
... and this requires a little story.

When I was growing up, like about 1957 (when I was 7 years old) and on, I woke up most every morning to the sounds of the Freddy Hagan show on the radio.  My mother, down in the kitchen making breakfast, got caught up on the local news and weather with the Freddy Hagan show!  To boot, Freddy was my cousin.  He had started his radio job at the age of 17 and was a natural.  I can still hear the jingles and sound of his young voice.

Well, the years went by and there was some family sadness and Freddy moved away.  I probably haven't seen Freddy for 45 years.  Yet there he was on the side of that trailer!

It turns out that after Fred's wife died he did come back to Bardstown.  And now, at the age of 72, Fred has his old job back - the one that he started with at the age of 17!  Sometimes things have a strange way of coming back to the starting place but in a new way.

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