Monday, April 18, 2011

A cold, windy and rainy weekend

We went to Wellsville (NY) again this weekend to get John’s bike.  The weather was cold, very windy, and rainy most of the time.  I enjoyed seeing the gradual and subtle colors of spring in the landscape. 

 Joe is looking for land around Wellsville where he can grow Christmas trees.  Says that Jack and Luke will come up in the summer to help him ...
We went to eat at a vegetarian kind of place in Alfred - Cafe Za ...
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Getting back to Cranberry TWP, the trees at our apartments are blooming white!
And I saw this lovely feather at the Knob Hill park this morning ...
Filed our income tax this morning.


  1. Lovely intimations of springtime. It is cool and rainy here as well.

    I finished my Canadian taxes -- due on the 30th, but haven't filed them yet. Now that I am retired, I find I owe taxes. Ugh. Rather than have them take more out of each month's pension cheque, I prefer to set aside a bit of money in my savings account each month to cover it. I think I will have set aside a bit more next year.

  2. I don't mind the rain, but so many people here who "wintered" are more than ready for warm sunny weather. I am exulting in the 30-60 degree temperatures. Perfect, in my opinion. I even like the dark days.

  3. Variety is wonderful. I never thought I would get tired of 80 degree weather in January when I was living in Los Angeles, but I did. When nature changes, we change as well. It sets a good precedent.

  4. I wonder if sameness in the weather keeps us stuck, as well - or if it could force an issue?

    I am loving these dark rainy days of April in PA - I feel like I have the time and space to mull over things instead of always being out there and on the go. I also feel like this is the first time in my life that I have ever really watched - in slow motion - the happenings and miracle of Spring.
