Friday, February 15, 2013

Swamp Cabbage?

Could these be the first swamp cabbages breaking through?  I'll check them again tomorrow if it isn't too icy down by the creek.
 Still no snow, but it's supposed to get colder this weekend (starting this afternoon).  I already think it's cold!


  1. I woke to a beautiful inch or so dusting of snow on the tree limbs and sidewalks and street. It was stunning in the sunlight. It was also remarkably warm (around freezing is warm here). You can feel the springtime coming, though.

  2. We're getting more snow here now. Sometimes I think that the very cold is not as cold as the just above freezing temperatures. The wind and humidity have a lot to do with how cold it feels here. I'm definitely not as cold now as I was when I first got here.
