Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter up north this year ...

Reminds me of Sea Foam!
It is finally the first day of winter.

It has snowed most every day since Thanksgiving, and has not been above freezing for 2 weeks.  Lot of ice around.  And darkness.  Hard to believe that we're just getting started!

In Florida we mark this day as well, for it promises to bring a few months of cooler weather.

Jubilee and I still thrive on our walks in the snow.

Here's a close-up.


  1. You go, Jubie!

    I feel the weather is mild when there is no wind and the temperature is -5 C (23 F).

  2. oops...excuse me!!!SHE looks so happy!

  3. OMG, Barbara, you're right, 23 deg F is MILD!!! I can even take my hat off then!

    Yep, Jane, Jube is enjoying the winter, as am I.

    I can't believe that 50 degrees in Florida is freezing cold, but it is.

    One of the most remarkable things here is the down comforter on our bed. I can't believe how warm we are at night. What an adventure this all is.
