Sunday, October 10, 2010

leaf update

This is how it looks at the Knob Hill Park today.  Fall was a little further along in Wellsville and western New York State, but not much.  Quite warm today as well - 70 deg F.

Sometimes it seems as if we've somehow slipped into an alternative universe up here.  Fairy tale land.


  1. I love your response to the leaves turning. Are people allowed to burn the leaves around CTWP? Here the leaves are gathered up and used for compost in the city parks, I believe.

  2. I haven't noticed any fires or burning around, so I assume that it isn't allowed. There are some big trees that go from green straight to brown. With the first frost, I guess all the leaves will go down in one big drop. I just love seeing the leaves fall, though. Something so dramatic yet incredibly gentle about it.
