Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Car Trouble and My Library spot.

Once again, I've had car trouble.  Won't bore you with the details, but I've been without a car for a few days and bumming rides.  Had to cancel and re-schedule many of my appointments, which leaves me feeling like I can't catch up.

Anyway, I picked up my car this morning but I'm not totally sure that it is fixed.  Made my way to the library and a tsunami of email.  This is my corner at the local library.  I love the Florida grass in the glass that divides the room.


  1. I'm sorry about your car trouble and the frustrating time you've had. At least I guess you lost the use of your car when back in Florida and not on the road.

  2. Yep, I'm amazed at how "lucky" I am. the car overheated on my a block away from a friends house, so I was able to just pull into his driveway and use his hose to fill the radiator. From there it was just a short way to BJ's (our auto mechanic), and my friends have been very generous about choferring me around.

  3. Bummer, but, as Sally said, better than having car trouble on the road. Good to be back among friends.
