Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dad's video to Eric


  1. Nice to hear your voices. But 3 inches? You worry about 3 inches?

  2. Are we over-reacting??!! They are even canceling stuff around here, and I'm not going out on the highways until they are plowed and it's stopped snowing. Maybe we've lived in FL too long...

  3. All depends on the quality of snow clearance. Our roads are passable right away and the highways are better than the side streets. You are wise to be cautious.

  4. It's hard for me to know how to judge this weather. Even though it's snowing, sometimes the roads are ok. But this morning John could hardly get out of the parking lot and said that he slip slided all the way to work at 20 mph. So ... I guess I'm not leaving today. Maybe tomorrow though.
