Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Genesee and Joanne's garden

This is the Genesee River as it runs through Rochester, and outside the hotel where I am staying tonight.  It is the same river that runs through Wellsville.

After we left my sister at the hospital, where she wanted to sleep, Joe and I had to take her car to John and Joanne's house.  (I think I left my cell phone in the car, which will be an issue I have to deal with tomorrow; my God, why do I keep losing that damn thing?)  Joanne wanted to show us her garden...

And what would be scattered around in her garden but a lot of wine bottles and a few liquor bottles!

Have you ever seen such a thing?!
Joanne assured me that they were there to water the garden when they were away.  They filled them up with water and stuck them in the ground and the ground got just the right amount of water.  She told me that my Italian husband would understand.

There was also a nice sunflower that wasn't even planted, just appeared ...

I admit that I had a couple of glasses of wine before we went to the garden, but I still don't quite get it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice garden - with the liquor available I'm sure Candide would have appreciated it. Sunflowers always make me go "ah!"
